Troubleshoot and Repair:
This is the most common procedure for an acute failure or progressive slow-down. Identifying the problem, or diagnostics, are always free of charge and no charges incur before the customer has a complete understanding of the scope of work. Flat fees for most shop repairs. Hourly rates for on-site work.
Virus/Malware Removal:
Malicious attacks are launched onto systems by way of internet browsing, file sharing, downloads, hijacked software updates, or even email attachments.
Many include alarming system error pop-ups. Those warnings mimic legitimate signs and come from the virus source itself. Most can be removed without reinstalling Windows or losing your files.
Upgrades and Custom Builds:
The customer explains the desire for more speed, storage, gaming ability, etc. and I shop for the best components at the best price and install those parts. It is worth learning the terminology and understanding how stats relate to function, and actual effect on performance, if you plan to shop for yourself.
Scheduled Maintenance:
Concerns of home users and small business owners should not be focused on technology. The computer systems of your home or small business should be dependable and perform reliably. A computer maintenance contract will provide you with a constant proactive support system. View The Details.
Web Presence:
Includes designing, building, testing, hosting, and publishing of a personal or business website. The site can be turned over to you or can be maintained. I have many pre-built sample sites for most business themes and various templates for personal, fan, and public/private event websites. View Sample Sites
Programs from Adobe to Windows, Bit Torrent to Word docs created and stored in the cloud, I have the patience to give you a grasp of just about any computer related subject. I try to read every article, play every game, use every trial version and beta test software release I can find; so you don't have to bother.
Pick up and delivery is available if requested. In Lemont this service is free, and based on distance and difficulty of installation once on site, a small charge may be added for locations outside Lemont. Decisions on charging for system removal or set up will be made on a case by case basis.
Coming Soon - Remote Assistance:
Remote technical support is the process used when a technician connects to a computer over the internet where the client provides active permission for the host to access the desktop, laptop, workstation, server, tablet, etc.
The difference at Technoworries is the attention to security and protection of sensitive information. Details here.
No matter what the issue, please give me a call. There is a short list of things I won't do, or honestly do not have the confidence to assure success, and I'll recommend a trusted competitor to help you rather than waste our time and your money.
*Clean Sweep Special*
The Clean Sweep of the computer refers to the reformatting of your hard drive and the reinstallation of the original operating system disk, the system drivers, anti-virus program, all updates, and setting up the machine for quickness and security.
The Clean Sweep Plus includes the features mentioned above, plus the recovery of all intact data, which will be copied to a secure device outside of the computer. Small amounts of data, up to 4 Gigabytes will fit on a DVD recordable disk that I would include at no charge. However, it is more likely that there are many Gigabytes of stored data to be copied and saved. This would require a secondary internal drive or partition on a larger drive, a USB thumb drive, or external hard drive that would be sold separately or purchased independently.
Clean Sweep Plus Special:
Regular price: $199.00
SALE PRICE: $129.00
*Pick-up and Delivery Available
*On-Site Service Available
*Maintenance Contracts
Senior Discount
Senior citizens struggling economically with the cost of computer repair at this time can receive 30% off my invoice labor charges. Just let me know this during our phone conversations or through an email message.
I will do my best to get you what you need at a comfortable price.